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terça-feira, 14 de junho de 2022

Bispo (translation)

 Bispo (Sidnei Dantas /Alfredo de Oliveira Neto)

Dizem que ele vem de Japaratuba

People say that he comes from Japaratuba*


Mas poderia dizer

But he could say

apenas apareci

I just showed up

Borda seu universo em cada traço

Embroider his universe in every line dash

Que segue a risca do céu

That follows the line of the sky

No seu abismo era rei

In his abyss he was king

Se você mandar fazer

If you demand that I do

Um barco para me salvar

A boat to save me

Fico escutando você

I keep listening to you

Durmo de olhos pro mar

I sleep with my eyes to the sea

Borda um manto verde de mangas longas

Embroider a green long-sleeved mantle

Com bandeirinhas de cor

With little colored flags 

São parecidas

They are similar

Broche de almirante, casa caiada

Navy admiral brooch, lime painted house

Da nossa federação

Of our federation

Terra arrasada

Scorched earth

Ouço o que devo fazer

I hear what should I do

Morro pra me apresentar

I die to introduce myself

Quando vão compreender?

When will they understand?

Solto o estandarte no ar

I throw the insignate into the air

Desengancho de tudo isso

I get rid of all this

Me convenço, perco o juízo

I convince myself, I lose my mind

De ver a Praia Vermelha**

Seeing the “Red Beach”

E o engenho de dentro*** de mim

And the ingenuity inside of me

*a city from Sergipe State, northeast of Brazil

** a beautiful beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in the neighborhood of Urca, where there are still two large psychiatric hospitals

***Engenho de Dentro (“Mill from Within”) is also a name of a neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro, where there is the first psychiatric asylum of Brazil, opened in 1852, but since 2004 renamed to Nise da Silveira Institute, a tribute to that woman psychiatrist who revolutionized mental health care in Brazil, introducing art therapy in the 40's. In 2021, hospital discharge was granted to the last patient who was hospitalized, thus ending psychiatric hospitalization at this Institute

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