Ágatha* (Alfredo de Oliveira Neto – Tufa e Moisés Nunes – Zartinho)
eu vou furar meu balão amarelo** I'm going to pop
my yellow balloon
acabou o brinquedo child's play is over
ninguém fica mais velho no one gets older
me esparramar nas ruas sem fuzis sprawl out on the streets
without rifles
quem for de lá pode chegar aqui*** whoever is from there
can get here
amanhecer e somente ouvir**** at dawn and just listen
o rouxinol, pardal e bem-te-vi the nightingale, sparrow and
welcome to you
aqui, o Alemão tem cor preta here, the German
has black color
e o senhor não se esqueça and your lordship
don't forget
suas mãos, minha dor your hands, my pain
aqui, o Alemão tem cor preta here, the German
has black color
nem que tudo se inverta even if everything
is reversed
vou cantar minha cor I will sing my color
quero dançar na ponta dos meus pés***** I want to dance
on my tiptoes
vou me jogar nos curuminso, convés I'm gonna throw myself
on the deck with curumins
na Fazendinhaa vou cavalgar in the Little Farm
I will ride
na amarelinha in the hopscotch
pular do céu no mar jump from the sky
to the sea
* Ágatha, an 8-year-old black girl, was murdered by the police in 2019 when she was sitting next to her grandfather in a van, going up the hill where she lived, up in a large complex of slums in the city of Rio de Janeiro, called German Complex
** there is a picture that was featured on the news of her holding a yellow balloon and smiling
**** there are invisible territorial boundaries within German Complex that residents on one side cannot cross to the other, as they are territories commanded by rival drug trafficking factions
o Oca dos Curumins (“hollow of indigenous children”) is a cultural center that offers capoeira, dance and theater for children at the German Complex, where Ágatha used to practice capoeira
a the name of the sub-neighborhood, “Little Farm”, where Ágatha lived
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