Sarrabulho* (sidnei dantas e alfredo de oliveira neto)
o mar já vem subindo the sea is getting big
levanta, meu amor wake up, my love!
a bóia do menino where is the child’s float?
minha mãe me avisou my mother warned me
que um belo dia tudo isso ia that one fine day it would all
se acabar come to an end
disse-me-disse de um Recife a rumor of the city of Recife
debaixo do mar a rumor under the sea
vem me navegar come, sail over me
beira-rio, maré riverside, tide
Pina, Caxangá (name of neighborhoods in the city of Recife)
no Alto da Sé (is a region famous for culture and carnival)
e nessa onda nosso frevo toca and in this wave our frevo** plays
o que quiser whatever it wants
no sarrabulho while getting wiped out beneath the wave
rock brega samba funk axé (samba, brega, funk from Rio and axé are popular rhythms in Brazil)
no balanço do mar in the raging sea
trompete se esquece de entrar trumpet forgot to enter
a tuba mergulha demais the tuba dived too deep
no refrão in the chorus
lá na beira do cais there at the edge of the dockside
as pontes ficaram pra trás the bridges are left behind
mercados não existem mais popular markets no longer exist
manguetown (it's how the cultural movement Manguebeat calls Recife)
a cidade acabou the city is over
ninguém quer dançar nobody wants to dance
mainha avisou por iemanjá mammy warned by Yemanjá***
que um belo dia tudo isso ia that one fine day it would all
se acabar come to na end
disse-me-disse do Recife a rumor of the city of Recife
debaixo do mar under the sea
*Expressão recifense que significa tomar um caldo, um caixote na onda do mar
Expression from the city of Recife that means to get wiped out beneath the wave
**original musical genre from Recife
*** Yemanjá is a major water spirit from the Youruba religion, from Africa, but also very popular in Brazil (Candomblé) and Cuba (Santería). She is a Orisha and the mother of all Orishas. The goddess of the sea. She does not easily lose her temper, but when angered she can be quite destructive and violent, as the floodwaters.